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Great Paw Chateau Soft Dog CrateGet your dog crate today!1
Chateau Soft Dog Crate$46.95 SALE Free custom-fit Sherpa fleece foam mat includedYour Great Paw Chateau Soft Dog Crate is an easy to set up one-piece design dog crate. It is a collapsible dog soft crate that snaps into a compact unit. Your folding dog crate can be set up and collapsed in seconds without any tools. Once you collapse your dog crate, it becomes a portable dog crate that slides into the protected carrying case for storage and easy transport. If you want to use your soft dog crate as an indoor dog crate, the rubber "feet" will prevent the crate from sliding around. Alternatively, if you need to travel with your dog crate, this is an ideal dog travel soft sided crate. The Great Paw Chateau dog crate comes with four stakes for securing the dog crate to the ground. When used as an outdoor soft dog crate, we recommend placing the crate on dry ground. So whether you're looking for an indoor soft sided dog crate or an outdoor soft portable dog crate, you and your pet will love the versality of this soft dog crate. The mesh screen entry door on the front of your dog crate opens and closes securely with a heavy-duty zipper, There are also three (3) mesh screen windows on the crate that provide great visibility and ventilation for your dog.
Constructed from durable high-density polyester with reinforced stitching, your soft dog crate is great for cats too. The mesh screens are very durable and difficult to tear. A zipper locking mechanism on the door of your soft dog crate enhances the security. See the specifications and the dog breed recommendations for your Chateau Soft Dog Crate below.
Your soft dog crate comes with